OnePlus Open was launched in India in 2023 as the company's first-ever foldable smartphone. While its launch price was North of Rs. 1 lakh, Amazon India has rolled out exciting offers on the handset, enabling buyers to purchase it at a price below the aforementioned amount. With its offer, the e-commerce giant offers customers an avenue to purchase the smartphone with a discount to get it at a lower price than its list MRP.
This is the first time since September's Amazon Great Indian Festival 2024 that the OnePlus Open has been priced under Rs. 1 lakh in India.
OnePlus Open Under Rs. 1 Lakh on Amazon: Details
The launch price of the OnePlus Open in India is Rs. 1,39,999. It is available in a single 16GB+512GB storage configuration. However, Amazon has rolled out a limited-time discount of 29 percent on the foldable smartphone, which translates to a price drop of Rs. 40,000.
Thus, customers can purchase the handset for Rs. 99,999 on the e-commerce platform for a limited time. This price excludes any bank offers or exchange benefits. If buyers do not wish to pay the full cost of the OnePlus Open in one go, Amazon also offers no-cost EMI options via the Amazon Pay ICICI Bank Credit card. Alternatively, they can also make payments with easy instalments without a credit/debit card, taking advantage of Amazon Pay Later.
At select locations around the country, Amazon offers a ‘Try & Buy' programme, which allows users to have a hands-on experience with the OnePlus Open for 20 minutes alongside a verified expert. Although a service fee of Rs. 149 applies to this service, it will be refunded as Amazon Pay cashback in their wallet if they purchase the smartphone within 7 days of the trial.
OnePlus Open Specifications
OnePlus Open has a 7.82-inch 2K Flexi-fluid LTPO 3.0 AMOLED main screen and a 6.31-inch 2K LTPO 3.0 Super Fluid AMOLED cover display. It is powered by a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC under the hood, paired with 16GB of LPDDR5X RAM and 512GB of UFS 4.0 onboard storage. The handset runs on the latest Android 15-based OxygenOS 15.
For optics, the OnePlus Open is equipped with a Hasselblad-tuned triple rear camera setup comprising a 48-megapixel primary camera, a 64-megapixel telephoto sensor, and a 48-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens. It also has a 32-megapixel camera and a 20-megapixel sensor for selfies on the outer and inner screens.
The smartphone packs a 4,800mAh battery with 67W SuperVOOC charging support.