Lava recently introduced the Blaze Duo 5G smartphone with dual displays in India. The company is gearing up to unveil a new handset in the country soon. The design of the phone, which reveals its camera specifications as well, has been teased. The handset appears to have an LED light strip within its rear camera module. Lava hasn't revealed the moniker or any other details about the upcoming smartphone. More features of the new Lava smartphone are expected to surface online over the next few days.
New Lava Smartphone India Launch: All We Know
Lava Mobiles has teased the arrival of a new smartphone in India. The company has shared a teaser video of the handset in an X post. A part of the caption reads "coming soon," but it does not specify a timeline or the moniker of the phone.
Ab hoga kuch aisa, dekhte reh jaoge! ?
Coming Soon.#LavaMobiles #ProudlyIndian
In the teaser, we see the upcoming Lava handset with a centred hole-punch camera cutout at the top of the display. The phone appears with a rectangular rear camera module as well. Engraving within the island confirms that the phone will get a 50-megapixel primary camera backed by AI features. Aside from a circular LED flash unit, we can also see LED light strips within the rectangular module.
These LED light strips could be functional and could be used to notify calls, reminders or other alerts. They might even support RGB lighting, for users to personalise a colour to a certain activity. However, this functionality is only speculative. Readers are advised to take it with a pinch of salt until further official confirmations.
Notably, Lava's latest launch in India, the Blaze Duo 5G, is available for purchase via Amazon, starting at Rs. 16,999 for the 6GB + 128GB option. The handset sports a 6.67-inch 3D curved AMOLED main display and a 1.58-inch AMOLED secondary screen. It is backed by a MediaTek Dimensity 7025 SoC and a 5,000mAh battery with 33W fast charging support. The phone runs on Android 14 and carries a 64-megapixel main camera.