The Hindi-dubbed version of the action thriller Bagheera, directed by Suri, is now streaming on the popular OTT platform. Produced by Vijay Kiragandur, the film was first released in cinemas on October 31 during the festive period of Diwali, garnering positive feedback. Available in Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu on Netflix, the Hindi version will now stream on Disney+ Hotstar. Featuring Sriimurali in the lead role, the story explores themes of corruption, justice, and vengeance.
When and Where to Watch Bagheera
The Hindi version of Bagheera is now available for streaming on Disney+ Hotstar starting December 25. The Kannada original, along with Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu versions, can already be streamed on Netflix.
Official Trailer and Plot of Bagheera
The trailer of Bagheera offers glimpses into the life of Vedanth Prabhakar, a police officer with a strong moral compass. Inspired by his mother to serve as a protector of justice, Vedanth becomes disillusioned by the prevalence of corruption and crime. This leads to his transformation into the vigilante Bagheera, who works secretly with his allies to eliminate criminals. The narrative focuses on Vedanth's battle against Rana, a crime lord involved in organ trafficking. The stakes intensify when Vedanth's love interest, Sneha, becomes a victim of Rana's brutality. With support from CBI officer Guru, Vedanth takes on Rana's network in a gripping climax that hints at future challenges for the protagonist.
Cast and Crew of Bagheera
Sriimurali stars as Vedanth Prabhakar, supported by Rukmini Vasanth, Sudha Rani, Prakash Raj, and Rangayana Raghu. Music is composed by B. Ajaneesh Loknath, while cinematography is handled by A. J. Shetty. The film is directed by Suri and produced under Vijay Kiragandur's Hombale Films.
Bagheera has been well-received for its intense action sequences and emotional depth. The cinematography and music have been particularly praised for enhancing the narrative. With the Hindi OTT release, the film is expected to reach a broader audience during the holiday season.