Nadiya Lagoyda, a fitness influencer, has become an inspiration on social media for sharing her transformative weight loss journey. In a recent post, she detailed how she managed to lose 23 kg (approximately 50 pounds) naturally within just 6 months, without resorting to extreme diets or supplements. By sticking to a practical, balanced approach involving mindful eating and regular activity, she motivated her followers to embrace sustainable weight loss habits.
Here’s how Nadiya achieved her fitness transformation step by step.
1. A Calorie-Deficit Diet: The Key to Weight Loss
Nadiya followed a calorie-deficit diet to shed weight efficiently. This method involves consuming fewer calories than the body burns daily. She relied on a fitness app to track her food intake and basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the minimum energy required to keep the body functioning.
To stay consistent, she limited her daily calorie intake to 1,600 calories, ensuring she ate balanced, nutrient-rich meals while avoiding unnecessary supplements or fad diets. Nadiya emphasized that tracking all meals helped her remain accountable and see progress.
Her advice to others is clear: “The pounds will melt off” if you stick to simple habits like monitoring food and eating mindfully.
2. Walking 10,000 Steps Daily
Nadiya highlighted the importance of staying active through simple, consistent movement. She walked 10,000 steps daily to boost her activity levels. Breaking the routine into manageable chunks, she completed a 45-minute walk at a moderate pace, which helped her achieve 5,000 steps. The remaining steps were naturally achieved through day-to-day activities like chores or casual strolls.
To keep things enjoyable, she suggested adding music, podcasts, or friends to walking sessions. According to her, consistency and enjoyment are the keys to turning walking into a sustainable habit.
3. Finding a Workout You Enjoy
Beyond walking, Nadiya stressed the importance of incorporating workouts you love into your fitness journey. She preferred fitness classes over traditional gyms or home workouts because they felt fun and engaging.
Nadiya encouraged others to explore activities like weight training, Pilates, yoga, cardio, or running to find what works best for them. Her mantra is simple: feeling “strong and fit” is more rewarding than aiming to be “skinny fat.”
4. Motivation and Commitment
Nadiya motivated her followers by sharing that while weight loss isn’t easy, it’s simple. Her focus was on small, manageable steps—tracking food, walking consistently, and enjoying workouts. She promised that with commitment and consistency, everyone could experience the same transformation and “feel amazing.”
Nadiya Lagoyda’s journey to losing 23 kg naturally in 6 months highlights that sustainable weight loss doesn’t require extreme measures. By combining a calorie-deficit diet, regular walking, and enjoyable workouts, she achieved remarkable results while inspiring others to follow a healthier lifestyle.
Her story is a powerful reminder that consistency, patience, and simple habits are the true keys to achieving long-term success in fitness.