On a misty winter morning, when cold air lingers over Srinagar's iconic Dal Lake, there's something magical about a steaming cup of kahwa - Kashmir's golden-hued tea - accompanied by the strums of the rabab. This is precisely what Diljit Dosanjh experienced during his Kashmir trip. The singer-actor shared a clip on Instagram where he enjoys kahwa served by the ever-charming "Dal Star," Mushtaq Bhai. Wrapped snugly in woolens and a blanket, Diljit sits on a shikara, surrounded by the lake's misty waters. As the boat gently drifts, Mushtaq greets Diljit with a cheerful "Welcome to Kashmir! I'm Dal Star, and you're a global star." What happens next truly steals the show - the making of Mushtaq's famous 66-mix kahwa.
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"Almonds, cardamom, walnuts, cashews, honey, cinnamon, ginger, tea leaves, mulethi, rose..." Mushtaq proudly lists some ingredients that go into this drink. His words are punctuated by the soft melody of the rabab, played by Adnan, whom Diljit mentions in his caption. "Whoever hasn't tasted my kahwa hasn't truly experienced Kashmir," Mushtaq says, carefully pouring the drink into a cup and asking, "Would you like it sweeter or less sweet?" Diljit replies politely, "Less." The singer takes a sip, smiles contentedly, and says, "Bahut acha (very nice)." As they chat, Mushtaq asks, "Do you stay in Amritsar?" Diljit grins and replies, "I don't stay anywhere; I just roam around." Diljit Dosanjh's caption reads: "Dal Lake Star Mushtaq Bhai's Kahwa & Adnan Bhai's Rabab."
Watch the full video below:
For the unversed, Kahwa is a traditional Kashmiri drink perfect for staying warm and healthy during chilly weather. Its blend of spices strengthens immunity and protects against seasonal infections. Want to learn how to make Kashmiri kahwa and enjoy its health benefits? Click here for the recipe. Diljit Dosanjh clearly had a memorable time at Dal Lake, savouring Mushtaq's kehwa. If you're gliding through Dal Lake's waters, stop by and try this special brew. As Mushtaq says, no trip to Kashmir is complete without sipping his kehwa.
Also Read: Watch: From Breakfast To Dinner, Diljit Dosanjh Shares His Foodie Day In Punjab
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