Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Aaradhya were pictured at the Mumbai airport on Sunday night. The mother-daughter duo were twinning in black. While Aishwarya chose a black ensemble for her airport look, Aaradhya was dressed in her casual best. Aishwarya was heard wishing the paparazzi stationed over there a happy new year in advance. Aaradhya is a constant with her mother on trips, events and functions.
Take a look at the video here:
Last week, Aishwarya, along with husband Abhishek and father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan attended Aaradhya's school function. Aaradhya, along with Shah Rukh Khan's son AbRam performed in a Christmas-themed play.
The video that has the Internet's attention is the one in which Abhishek and Aishwarya can be seen recording Aaradhya's performance on phone. The couple can be seen sitting next to each other in a row. A fan page dedicated to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan shared the video along with a caption that read "Happy Moment Captured." Take a look:
In another video, Aaradhya can be seen exiting with her parents. After entering the car, Aishwarya can be seen showering love on her daughter in front of the shutterbugs.
Praising his granddaughter's performance, Amitabh Bachchan wrote in his blog, "Children .. their innocence and desire to be at their best in the presence of parents .. such a delight .. and when they are in the company of thousands performing for you .. it is the most exhilarating experience ..Today was one such .."
Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan married in April 2007. The two welcomed their daughter Aaradhya Bachchan in November 2011.